above and below: addison helping weed the ward garden. we did this for fhe as a ward today and addison loved it. we walked to the garden - an empty lot in our neighborhood owned by a member of our ward. the weather was great and we took our time coming and going so we could see the horses, goats, turkeys, cows, chickens and cats all our neighbors have. addy was in heaven, but charlene and i got sneezed on by a horse on the way home so that put a damper on things.it hasn't been very long since we planted our garden, but we are starting to see some of the signs that it is growing. i'm sure we will be eating from it soon! did i mention we planted 20 tomato plants?
both sides of our family got together for easter. unfortunately, i only got pics of the brown/ stradling dinner. we met at clint and debbie's around three pm with our food. we were missing quite a bit of the married grandchildren, but we all had a great time.
isn't this just the sweetest?
addison stopping for a second to smile for me. she had a blast, running around and playing with the other kids, most of whom she didn't know.all the stradling/brown aunts and uncles talking and having fun.
addison playing with her second cousin sophie. love those cute curls!the older cousins played flag football with carson and todd as referees. the game got quite intense when brian and allison trotter's little zeke - 15 months- took off with the football to the playground. it was so funny. watching the game and talking:
earlier i took some easter pics of the girls. it didn't go as well as i had hoped. charlene cried much of the time, addison picked up and dropped my camera, it was nap time, and it was hot. plus i did this shoot without kyle to suprise him. i did get some cute shots of addison, but she wasn't really in a listening mood. next time: cooler weather, napped kids, kyle, and bribes - lots of them.the sun was a bit bright for my pics, but these are sure cute huh?i couldn't get a shot of charlene looking at me, she was too interested in her bright dress.had this pose worked like i'd had it in my mind, it would've been beautiful. charlene cried the whole time and addison just wanted to throw her down. all well.i love addy's adorable smile in this one. she's such a good sister.
charlene is getting cuter everyday! yesterday we watered our garden (it's doing so well!) and pushed the girls in the swings fir a bit afterward. they loved getting outside. we'll have to do it more often before it heats up too much.
below: check out charlene's feet. her legs are always straight out like that, and she's always rotating her ankles - she cracks me up.beautiful girl! love those cheeks!addison decided it was her turn to push charlene. she started talking to charly in a cute little voice like an adult would talk to a baby - she catches on so fast.as you can tell, charlene loved it.when i ask addy to smile, this is what she gives me:all well.