Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sleepy Times

in her nine months of life so far, addison has fallen asleep in some of the funniest positions and places that i ever though possible. she drove me nuts today, whining and hanging on to me wherever i go. there are two teeth budding on her bottom jaw, so i blame them. the house is quiet because she is FINALLY asleep for the night. every time i look at her when she is asleep, i ask myself: how can she be so naughty all day and look like that when she sleeps? so angelic and calm. thinking about this, i got on my laptop and went through our pictures to find more of these cute moments. i wanted to share some of her naptime happenings in no particular order.

the one above shows how sometimes she likes to completely stretch out. she was just over a month old and she looks so different to me. below is a bit more recent. she loves to put her face in her boppy or if there is a blanket, she will burrow underneath like a mole.

above: i love this one. she does this so often: falling asleep while holding on to the sides of her car seat. i is the funniest thing to see.

below: look at her precious fat rolls - or one big roll - on her arms. i could gobble them up with her cheeks!
below: kyle is proud that he can get her to sleep in his arms and i can't. looks like everyone can but me, here she is with my mom.
i took this one at the grocery store when i just happened to notice that she was asleep. one older gentleman saw her and exclaimed, "she looks so content, i wish i was her!" many people comment on addison's wide mouth which is always open when she is asleep.
falling asleep on my dad -grandpa is always the comfiest! definitely two peas in a pod.
falling asleep in the shower on daddy after her first swim in may. just like her daddy and mine. this is what life is suppose to be about - naps in the shower right?! what comfort and luxury!
another day after another shower. i guess it really relaxes everyone!
i know she isn't asleep here, but it wasn't long after this cute yawn that she was asleep!
nightie night!

1 comment:

Raena and Sebastian Tellez said...

If it makes you feel better Laura wouldn't fall asleep with me till about 11 months. It is so nice that she will cuddle me now. I hope she does for you.