Sunday, February 6, 2011

We Just Think You Look Good In White

name that movie. it's one of my favorites: the best two years. if you haven't seen it, do and you will laugh your head off. promise. and if you don't, well maybe there's something wrong. just sayin.

i can't believe we've had her in our family for two months already! today, at exactly two months old, charlene was blessed. it was beautiful and i'm thankful for all the family that came to support us. we were lucky that kyle's brother kirt was able to come too. he was suppose to be in town the week before but got delayed. so we were only missing kyle's oldest brother shawn.

so here we have some pics of our beautifully blessed charly. she's wearing the same dress addison was blessed in.

i love her sweet little pout and crop of hair. she's just so adorable.

after the block, we had a party to celebrate charlene's blessing day. and just like after addison's blessing, we had navajo tacos. it was so fun to have everyone over! below: kyle's mom julie, my mom camette, janell, and great grandma mccleve

addison was having too much fun to stop and go potty, so she peed her pants in thebackyard. this is kyle multitasking: watching her in the bath and eating. as you can tell, he takes his job very seriously.

below: all tuckered out. we sure do love our charly!

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