Sunday, February 8, 2009

Husbandly Love

kyle works every other saturday and yesturday was a working day. he gets off at four, and when he came home i happened to be grocery shopping with jen. i got home around five and he had left. when i called him to see where he was, he said that he couldn't tell me because he was buying my valentines day present. when he finally got home, he wanted me to open it right away instead of waiting for the 14th. i asked him if he was sure, and he was. my baby got me a hp laptop! i coundn't believe it, i was so excited. we were going to get one for christmas, but thought that the money would be put to better use by getting my car paid off sooner.

i was so surprised to see it on my kitchen table. then, as i started to open everything, i thought about how he had been talking about that fact that he was going to need a laptop and a new phone for his new job. the stinker, he really got it mostly for himself and used valentines day as an excuse to buy it. when i called him on it, he confirmed it with a smug smile saying he had figured out "man's secret of gift giving. buy something that you really want yourself" and i add to that "something you really want yourself that you might have a difficult time sharing in the future" right now, he is sharing just fine, but i can see in the future him not sharing 50-50. i really don't mind kyle buying a gift that he will use just as much as me, i just like how he called it my present. i've already caught him refering to it as "my laptop". i just have to laugh, he is so cute and funny.

but he is not always funny. the other night, i asked him if he liked the name "brooklyn" for a little girl in the future, and now he likes it better than "addison". he has tried to convince me to switch to that name now. kyle says that when i'm in the recovery room, he is going to sign the name papers with either felicity (a name he loves and pictures for a littel girl with flowing red hair), addison, or brooklyn. i told him that i'd kill him if he did something like that behind my back. he thinks this is hilarious and that he is so funny and clever.

well, obviously i still haven't gone into labor yet. i am very disappointed. i am terrified that the baby gains several ounces every minute and that she will be a miniature elephant when she finally arrives. i hope i have continued to efface and dilate since tuesday. i have had random contractions that don't feel very strong and are not painful at all. i don't know if these would be called "braxton hicks" or not since i am so close to delivery. i do also have very dull cramping every once in a while that continues to became more frequent. i heard that that is a sign labor is near. baby continues to move all the time and the only painful movements are the ones that are straight down. they're not too painful at all, but i like to think of them helping me to efface more.
well, kyle needs me to get off the laptop because he needs to use it. he is so funny!


w said...

Hey just found out you have a blog.You look so cute.Can't wait till the little one arrives.You guys are gonna have a blast!Let us know if you need anything!

Unknown said...

That gift story is funny. It reminds me of an old Simpsons episode. Homer would get Marge presents all the time (but really they were for him) Like for her birthday one year he bought her a bowling ball, and instead of her name being inscribed on it, it said HOMER. So now you can just say that Kyle has pulled a Homer! ;)

Jen Olson Brown said...

Good comment Karen... Brit- I had to laugh when you said you hoped the baby wasn't a small elephant. I hope so too. I am so sorry he learned the husband trick. Carson has never pulled that one off. J/K