Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dr. Appointment Shockers

so i went to the dr. tuesday with my mom and kyle. i had an ultrasound - those are so fun - and we were able to confirm it is a girl. (what a relief after having a baby shower for a girl). we wanted a confirmation because at the last ultra sound they said their best guess was a girl since they couldn't get a good look. so addison it is. we were also told that their best guess for weight was several oz over 8 lbs. i wanted to die, and kyle let out an excited YES! if he likes big babies, maybe he should have them, but he didn't agree with that idea. personally, an eight pound baby is really scary. maybe i should back out and say "just kidding, i'm not quite ready." but i'm too excited to meet my daughter. crazy i can say that. my daughter. i'm gonna be a mom any minute!
my dr. also checked me to see if i had dilated at all. that wasn't the most comfortable thing, but i guess i should get used to not always being comfortable. i was told that i was open 4 cm and effaced 80%. i was totally surprised and excited to hear that. only 6 cm and 20% effacement to go. until then i'm waiting at home, hoping i dilate as much as possible. i've been reading and a lot of women are in tremendous pain just dilating to 2 cm. i'm really lucky, no pain yet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Woo hoo, she's almost here! Both my babies were 9 1/2 lbs and so was I. I wish you the best in having a smaller baby! I too, was 4 cm dialated before I had my kids without feeling any contractions. isn't that awesome? Your body has already done some of the work and you didn't feel a thing. Can't wait to meet her!